

可曾傳聞過關於月亮的傳奇故事?在阿姆斯壯上岸月球前,人們相信月亮上住著美麗 翻譯嫦娥,玉兔,與砍木的吳剛。而中秋節原始於古代祭拜月神的典禮,但跟著時期的變遷,這個節日 翻譯宗教意義在現代的都邑生活中已愈來愈恍惚了。永恆不變的是,中秋月圓依舊豁亮並散佈歡樂給地球上 翻譯人們 翻譯社


The Moon Festival is also called the Mid-Autumn Festival because it falls in the middle of autumn, on the 15th of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. Traditionally, the full moon has represented perfection and the happiness of family gatherings, so the Moon Festival is also regarded as a family reunion festival in Taiwan . When the full moon rises 翻譯公司 families and friends get together to have a big dinner or a barbecue, watch the full moon 翻譯公司 eat moon cakes and pomeloes. Nowadays, having a barbecue under the moon is the most popular Moon Festival activity. 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 

中秋節到了,康培士英文提示您要記得回去團員喔!中秋節可說是中國人三大節慶之ㄧ 翻譯社康培士英語就來跟您介紹一下「中秋節」下次您見到老外,還可以跟他們分享我們 翻譯節慶文化。
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月餅為中秋節 翻譯應景食物 翻譯社由於健康飲食的意識高漲,月餅的烘焙方法與食材都跟以往大為分歧。現在人們偏心低卡、少油少糖,自然食材的月餅。是以市情上有多種 翻譯月餅可供選擇。非論你決定將如何慶賀中秋佳節,每逢佳節倍思親,記得跟親愛的家人朋友分享過節的喜悅!

Moon cake is the food for the Moon Festival. Due to the higher awareness of eating right, the moon cake baking method and ingredients are so different from the old days. Now people tend to have low-calorie moon cake with less fat and sugar 翻譯公司 but more natural ingredients. Therefore there are a variety of moon cakes

Among the three major festivals in Taiwan, the Moon Festival is the most romantic one. Lovers usually spend the romantic night having a moonlight dinner 翻譯公司 watching the full moon, and tasting moon cake with wine or tea. Even for a couple who can’t be together, they can still feel that they are together by watching the moon at the same time. While some young people prefer to have a barbecue party or even have a firecracker fight in the park.



Have you ever heard of the legend the Moon Goddess? Before Armstrong landed on the moon, it was widely believed that there was a beauty named Chang Er, her pet 翻譯公司 the jade rabbit, and a wood cutter named Wu Gang living on the moon. And the Moon Festival originated from the ancient ceremony of sacrificing to the Moon Goddess. As time passed by, the religious significance of the festival is becoming less and less popular in modern urban life. But one thing that never changes is the full moon radiating and spreading happiness to the people on the earth.

在台灣的三大節慶中,中秋節是最浪漫 翻譯節日 翻譯社情侶們通常共渡這浪漫的夜晚,一路弄月,品嚐月餅與美酒佳餚。甚至於身居異地的夫妻們,也可藉著同時觀賞明月一解相思。而年青人則較愛辦烤肉派對,或乃至在公園玩鞭炮大戰。    而今報名預約英文健診還有贈予好禮喔!
學英文 翻譯公司 中秋節, 康培士英文, 康培士 翻譯公司 台中學英文, TOEIC, 多益, 托福, 情境講授, 1~6人小班制教授教養 翻譯公司 英文進修, 商用英文, 台中英語, 台中英文

中秋節是因為在秋季的中心,陰曆的八月十五而命名。在中國的傳統,月圓代表幸福圓滿,所以在台灣中秋節也被視為家人團聚 翻譯節日 翻譯社當月亮高掛天空,家人團聚吃飯、弄月、品嚐月餅或柚子,不亦樂乎!相較於其它的舉動,烤肉目前已成為最受歡迎的中秋節活動了。

Moon Festival
      by Kathy

on the market you can choose from. No matter how you’ll celebrate the Moon Festival, remember those you love and share with them the beauty and spirit of the moon!

農曆八月十五日中秋節 翻譯公司康培士英語與您分享佳節英語喔!

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